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Hemorheological effect of pentoxifylline for the treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis: a review


Chaithra Kalkur, Nilofer Halim, Atul Sattur, Kruthika S. Guttal

Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a chronic mucosal inflammatory debilitating disease previously confined to Asian countries. Now, OSMF is becoming a global healthcare problem due to the migration of many Asians to many parts of the world. OSMF is premalignant condition occurs due to the habit of betel quid chewing. Management of OSMF includes conservative approach and surgery. Physiotherapy, promotion of oral mucosal blood flow, vitamins and mineral supplements, fibrinolytic agents, antioxidants, and nutrients are the common conservative treatments towards OSMF. Hemorheology is the study of flow properties of blood and blood elements (In Greek, “Haima” means blood; “Rheology” means the flow of blood). Pentoxifylline (PTF) has been classified as a hemorheological drug and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Oral mucosal ischemia and epithelial atrophy in OSMF can be treated by PTF, which dilates the blood vessels in stromal tissues and improves peripheral blood flow and nutrient supply to the fibrosed mucosal tissues. Here, we present a review on the hemorheological effect of PTF for the treatment of OSMF.