Analysis of Nutritional Deficiency Induced Physiological Stress

Commentary - American Journal of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (2022)

Analysis of Nutritional Deficiency Induced Physiological Stress

Natali Romero*
Department of Physiology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
*Corresponding Author:

Natali Romero, Department of Physiology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, Email:

Received: 20-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. AJPBP-22-74986; Editor assigned: 23-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. AJPBP-22-74986 (PQ); Reviewed: 07-Oct-2022, QC No. AJPBP-22-74986; Revised: 13-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. AJPBP-22-74986 (R); Published: 21-Oct-2022


Nutritional physiology is focuses on the methods by which nutrients are taken from food and used for maintenance and growth. Nutrition can be described as the study of food and how it affects the body, with absorbs nutrients from food, how we get the energy we require, how we use nutrients, and how this relates to health and disease are all topics covered by nutrition physiology. An individual’s general health is maintained in large part by their diet. Different nutrients are needed by biological systems for various processes, and nutritional imbalances can result in sick diseases. Food consumption, absorption, and metabolism are also covered in this study. The nutrition is about how diet and nutrients affect our physical health. By understanding how what we eat affects how we feel by including our emotions, moods, sensations, motives, and experiences is made easier by the relationship between nutrition and psychology. Professionals in the field of mental health already address the psychological, cognitive, and behavioural factors that contribute to good mental health. To ensure that a human continues to grow and survive, these chemical components must be routinely replenished in the form of nutrition.

The integrated health is compatible with nutritional psychology by which gives mental health professionals a way to contribute to this movement. The main goal of this approach is to treat the patient as a full person rather than just as a collection of symptoms. This movement’s central tenet is that each patient embodies a distinct, intricate, and interconnected set of influences that have an impact on that person’s inherent functionality. Whole health empowers and enables people to take control of their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Poor nutrition can increase the risk of contracting certain diseases and other health issues are including being overweight or obese. It can also increase stress, fatigue, and our capacity to work. Stress appears to alter overall food intake in two ways by resulting by under overeating, which may be influenced by stressor severity. While stress frequently affects a person’s healthy eating habits, stress actually increases our need for nutrients. According to research, the body needs to turn through protein, fat, and carbohydrates more quickly when there are great demands placed on it in order to produce energy. Any internal or external condition that threatens the equilibrium of a cell or an organism is referred to as physiological stress. Environmental stress, intrinsic developmental stress, and ageing are the three divisions that can be made.

A stressor is any factor or circumstance that raises stress levels. The body’s physical or physiological changes, environmental changes, life events, or behaviours are just a few forms of stressors. Even a hypothetical (unreal) circumstance has the potential to behave as a stressor and serve as the source of stress. Overall, the overwhelming body of research indicates that stress can influence micronutrient concentrations, frequently resulting in micronutrient depletion. The body’s usage of calories and nutrients can be impacted by chronic stress in a variety of ways. It increases various nutrient usages and excretion as well as the body’s metabolic requirements.

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