Awards at Euro Public Health 2020
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Awards at Euro Public Health 2020

Mojtaba Mafi Medical Doctor/ Physician, Medicine*
1Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author:

Mojtaba Mafi, Medical Doctor/ Physician, Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, Email:

Published: 22-Jan-2021

From the successful completion of several International conference in the field of Public Health and Emergency medicine, the Longdom conferences is glad to include another international conference in the series. The conference is tilted as “International Conference on Preventive,Emergency Medicine and Public Health” the conference will be held on September 21-22,2020 at Tokyo,Japan.

Longdom Awards support with an aim in recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions of professionals and researchers in the area of Medical, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Health Care and Engineering.

Longdom Scientific Committee, a committee within the Advisory Council, is responsible for recommending individuals for awards for consideration and approval. Longdom awards are categorised to best speaker talks, best abstract, best poster award, outstanding young researcher award and house of delegate awards. Awards are presented annually at the venue of the Longdom conference meetings. Winners of the awards will be considered to have presented an original scientific or technical study investigating a novel application or an innovative research approach, of a standard suitable for publication at an international level.

The special moment added in the conference is award distribution. The award is to encourage the speakers, participants, Keynote speaker, Young scientist people etc., There are several categories are introducing to provide the awards. The awards will be delivered by the chairperson at the end of the conference.

The most important category awards are:

1. Best Keynote Speaker.

2. Best Speaker

3. Poster presentation Award

4. Young Scientist Award

5. Best Question Award

Best Keynote Speaker: The best keynote speaker award will be given to the people who are presenting their presentation at the Euro Public Health 2020 conference in a keynote speaker category. This award will be decided by the chairperson in the conference. This award is the most prominent and prestigious award given in the conference.

Best Speaker: The best speaker award will be given based on the research idea and how the person presenting their idea in the forum. The research idea should enhance, and it should be implemented in the real time treatment technique in the Euro Public Health 2020. The best speaker will be decided by the keynote speaker who is participating in the conference. The people could participate under the categories which they have been registered.

Poster Presentation Award: The conference will offer the Best Poster Award to the three best posters (First, Second and Third).

Please read the guidelines below carefully;

All posters will automatically be considered for the Poster Award.2 reviewers will select the best posters. The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony. The three winners of the Poster Award will receive award certificates.

The posters will be evaluated in terms of; design and layout, coherence, argumentation + methodology, awareness of previous work, attractiveness, message and main points, balance of text visuals, and overall impression.

Poster Size: The poster size should be approximately 1x1 M long. Please choose upright format and keep in mind that the font sizes should be big enough to allow your poster to be read from some distance. We suggest using fonts Arial/Times New Roman and font size of 22 – 24 pt. for texts and 60 – 70 pt. for headings. You are kindly asked to bring your poster fully assembled and printed.

Young Scientist Award: Longdom Conferences proudly announcing Young Researchers Awards with an aim to recognize outstanding achievement and contribution of professionals and researchers in the area of medical, life sciences, physical sciences, health care and engineering.

Young Researchers Presentation is a key session at International Conference on Preventive, Emergency Medicine and Public Health which is scheduled during September 21-22, 2020 at Tokyo, Japan. Euro Public Health 2020 focused on the theme “Public Health for Tomorrows Humanity”.

Euro Public Health Conference committee will be providing a platform for all talented young researchers, investigators, Post-graduate/Master students, PhD scholars to showcase their current research and innovation.

Major scientific sessions of Euro Public Health conference are Epidemiology, Diabetes and public Health, Mental Health, Emergency Medicine and critical care, Preventive medicine and this International conference will be attracting leading researches and decision makers in their field, principal investigators, and business professionals for sharing knowledge and research globally.


Postgraduates/masters student, junior scientist, young faculty member, PhD scholar and Postdoc researchers

Privileges: The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.

Acknowledgement as YRF Awardee

Recognition by providing certificates and memento

Recognition through website promotion and award page

Networking opportunity to coordinate with partners around the world

Publish that particular research paper for free


• All accepted abstracts will automatically be considered for the Award.

• All the presentation will be evaluated at the conference venue

• All the awards will be selected by the judges of the award category

• The awards will be assessed as far as plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.


• All submissions must be in English

• The topic must fit into scientific sessions of the conference

• Each individual participant is allowed to submit maximum 2 abstracts

• Abstract must be submitted online as per the given abstract template

• Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman and font size will be 12

• Abstract must contain title, name, affiliation, country, speakers biography, recent photograph, image and reference

Conditions of Acceptance:

To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.

Award Announcements:

Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of conference.

Best Questioner award: This will be the different and most interested award given to the delegate who are asking queries to the speakers, research people presenting the research work. From delegates who is asking the most valuable and knowledgeable question to the presenter they will be provided with the best questioner award.