Sandra Sigala

University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy


  • Short Communication   
    In vivo model of xenograft in zebrafish embryos as a model to study the cytotoxicity of abiraterone acetate in adrenocortical carcinoma cells
    Author(s): Sandra Sigala

    Background: AdrenoCortical Cancer (ACC) is a rare tumor with an estimated incidence between0.7 and 2.0 per million population per year (1). Surgery is the only potentially curative treatmentmodality. Systemic therapies have a limited efficacy and the prognosis of locally advanced ormetastatic ACC patients is often dismal. Mitotane is the only drug approved to treat ACC both inadjuvant setting and metastatic disease (2, 3); the drug pharmacokinetics and safety profile,however, limit its efficacy (4). Mitotane can be administered either alone or in association withetoposide, doxorubicin and cisplatin (EDP-M) (5, 6). In this scenario, the introduction of new potentially effective drugs, or the demonstration of efficacy in ACC of already available drugs isof paramount importance. The aim of this study is to provide the first evidence that the zebrafishembryo model is a useful tool to eval.. Read More»

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